Health and fitness is really important London escorts although not a requirement being slender fit and healthy is really helpful as a London escort. Stamina is extremely important we need to be able to maintain good stamina throughout the whole night on dates. Most of the girls from the agency work out and have a strict diet regime. So here are some tips from the sexiest girls in London and how to be the sexiest person you can.
First of all you have to eat right. Fruits and vegetables need to be 90% of what you consume on a daily basis. Not many people know that fruits and vegetables contain high levels of protein minerals vitamins all the good stuff that helps keep you strong and healthy. Cheap London escorts to take up particular interest in these things as they need to maintain their strength throughout the dates with their clients. Think about it if you were to be booked for a party date how can you dance all night in high heels if you don’t have any stamina.
The other 10% of the London escorts diet proteins and mixed with carbohydrates. The 10% is literally that just to boost the protein and carbohydrates that they get from fruits and vegetables. Exercise is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy body. London escort say that no matter how thick or thin you are as long as you can enjoy the minimum of 30 minutes of exercise per day you are healthy. There’s a lot of news around being healthy these days and we are coming to realise that you don’t have to be paperthin to be healthy. London escorts love to exercise they love to release those in endorphins through sweating and cardio. London escort say it helps keep their stamina up when they have exciting long dates with their clients.
Exercise doesn’t just have to be at the gym says London escorts. You can burn calories and keep yourself fit by doing day-to-day activities like cleaning and washing the car. Some top tips from London escorts and they say that wearing a weighted vest whilst walking going shopping washing the car or cleaning helps to burn more calories. Ankle weights are fantastic for when you’re walking and carrying dumbbells when you’re walking also helps immensely.
Another aspect of being healthy is your mental stability. A lot of London escorts practice meditation on a daily basis to help keep their mental health optimal. Sometimes long nights and long dates can drain London escorts however they say that meditation can help with any stressor and with day today activities. A lot of London escort say that yoga is a fantastic combination of both mental workout and physical workout. Let’s not forget that it keeps you supple and flexible which is great for any London escort. Find out more about London escorts by clicking this link and saying what fun things they get up to.